Thursday 8 September 2011


Characters main motive:
1) what the character wants to achieve?
The male character wants to know about the woman's first love as he has a feeling that he has seen her before and she might be hist first love.
2) what is preventing him?
The woman isn't very comfortable at first about opening up about her past and personal life to a man she just met.
3) Does the character change? what does he/she learn?
Yes, the male characters changes by the end of the video when he discovers that she was the one he had been looking for, she was his first love.

Character Trait Chart

Trait                            Revealed by...
Eager : The male character is eager to know about the woman's past which can be seen by the way he asks questions about her personal life despite of being a stranger.
Honest: The woman answers honestly to all the questions that were asked to her by the man.
Friendly: The way the woman talks to him, although he is a complete stranger and the way she shares things about her personal life with him suggest her friendly nature.
Thoughtful: When asked about her first love, the way the woman takes her time figuring out each and every detail she can remember indicate her thoughtful personality.
Mysterious: The man seems very mysterious at first by the way he asks her all the questions and doesn't really reveal anything about his life and his curious to find out about a complete stranger.
Hopeful: Even after all these years, the man did not stop searching for his first love and was still hopeful that he will find her and she will still love him.


This story revolves around a young boy and a girl who used to know each other when they were kids. They never really talked to each other but could always feel each other's presence and enjoyed being around each other. The boy used to always stand by a corner and watch the girl as she played with her friends. He was shy, so never really talked to her and didn't have many friends where as the girl was cheerful and lively. The boy's interests were things such as being alone and peaceful and photography where as the girl's interest was the opposite, she liked being around with friends and yet they still liked each other. They also shared their first kiss but after that they never really met again and all that was left with them were memories and the hope to find their love again.

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